home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @AppDataCommonDir
- @AppDataDir
- @AutoItExe
- @AutoItPID
- @AutoItVersion
- @COM_EventObj
- @CommonFilesDir
- @Compiled
- @ComputerName
- @ComSpec
- @CR
- @DesktopCommonDir
- @DesktopDepth
- @DesktopDir
- @DesktopHeight
- @DesktopRefresh
- @DesktopWidth
- @DocumentsCommonDir
- @error
- @exitCode
- @exitMethod
- @extended
- @FavoritesCommonDir
- @FavoritesDir
- @GUI_CtrlHandle
- @GUI_CtrlId
- @GUI_DragFile
- @GUI_DragId
- @GUI_DropId
- @GUI_WinHandle
- @HomeDrive
- @HomePath
- @HomeShare
- @HotKeyPressed
- @InetGetActive
- @InetGetBytesRead
- @IPAddress1
- @IPAddress2
- @IPAddress3
- @IPAddress4
- @LF
- @LogonDNSDomain
- @LogonDomain
- @LogonServer
- @MIN
- @MON
- @MyDocumentsDir
- @NumParams
- @OSBuild
- @OSLang
- @OSServicePack
- @OSVersion
- @ProcessorArch
- @ProgramFilesDir
- @ProgramsCommonDir
- @ProgramsDir
- @ScriptDir
- @ScriptFullPath
- @ScriptLineNumber
- @ScriptName
- @SEC
- @StartMenuCommonDir
- @StartMenuDir
- @StartupCommonDir
- @StartupDir
- @SystemDir
- @TAB
- @TempDir
- @TrayIconFlashing
- @TrayIconVisible
- @UserName
- @UserProfileDir
- @WindowsDir
- @WorkingDir
- Abs ( expression )
- ACos ( expression )
- AdlibDisable ( )
- AdlibEnable ( "function" [, time] )
- And
- Asc ( "char" )
- ASin ( expression )
- Assign ( "varname", "data" [, flag] )
- ATan ( expression )
- AutoItSetOption ( "option" [, param] )
- AutoItWinGetTitle ( )
- AutoItWinSetTitle ( "newtitle" )
- Beep ( [ Frequency [, Duration ]] )
- BinaryString( expression )
- BitAND ( value1, value2 [, value n] )
- BitNOT ( value )
- BitOR ( value1, value2 [, value n] )
- BitRotate ( value , shift [, size] )
- BitShift ( value, shift )
- BitXOR ( value1, value2 [, value n] )
- BlockInput ( flag )
- Break ( mode )
- ByRef
- Call ( "function" [, param1 [, param2 [, param<i>N</i> ]]] )
- Case
- CDTray ( "drive", "status" )
- Ceiling ( expression )
- Chr ( ASCIIcode )
- ClipGet ( )
- ClipPut ( "value" )
- ConsoleRead ( [ count[, peek = false]] )
- ConsoleWrite ( "data" )
- ConsoleWriteError ( "data" )
- Const
- ContinueCase
- ContinueLoop
- ControlClick ( "title", "text", controlID [, button] [, clicks]] )
- ControlCommand ( "title", "text", controlID, "command" [, "option"] )
- ControlDisable ( "title", "text", controlID)
- ControlEnable ( "title", "text", controlID )
- ControlFocus ( "title", "text", controlID )
- ControlGetFocus ( "title" [, "text"] )
- ControlGetHandle ( "title", "text", controlID )
- ControlGetPos ( "title", "text", controlID )
- ControlGetText ( "title", "text", controlID )
- ControlHide ( "title", "text", controlID )
- ControlListView ( "title", "text", controlID, "command" [, option1 [, option2]] )
- ControlMove ( "title", "text", controlID, x, y [, width [, height]] )
- ControlSend ( "title", "text", controlID, "string" [, flag] )
- ControlSetText ( "title", "text", controlID, "new text" [, flag] )
- ControlShow ( "title", "text", controlID )
- Cos ( expression )
- Dec ( "hex" )
- Default
- Dim
- DirCopy ( "source dir", "dest dir" [, flag] )
- DirCreate ( "path" )
- DirGetSize( "path" [, flag] )
- DirMove ( "source dir", "dest dir" [, flag] )
- DirRemove ( "path" [, recurse] )
- DllCall ( "dll", "return type", "function" [, "type1", param1 [, "type n", param n]] )
- DllClose ( dllhandle )
- DllOpen ( "filename" )
- DllStructCreate ( "Struct" [,Pointer] )
- DllStructGetData ( Struct, Element [, index ] )
- DllStructGetPtr ( Struct [,Element])
- DllStructGetSize ( Struct )
- DllStructSetData ( Struct, Element, value [, index ] )
- Do
- DriveGetDrive ( "type" )
- DriveGetFileSystem ( "path" )
- DriveGetLabel ( "path" )
- DriveGetSerial ( "path" )
- DriveGetType ( "path" )
- DriveMapAdd( "device", "remote share" [, flags [, "user" [, "password"]]] )
- DriveMapDel( "device" )
- DriveMapGet( "device" )
- DriveSetLabel ( "path", "label" )
- DriveSpaceFree ( "path" )
- DriveSpaceTotal ( "path" )
- DriveStatus ( "path" )
- Else
- ElseIf
- EndFunc
- EndIf
- EndSelect
- EndSwitch
- EndWith
- EnvGet ( "envvariable" )
- EnvSet ( "envvariable" [, "value"] )
- EnvUpdate ( )
- Eval ( string )
- Execute ( string )
- Exit
- Exit
- ExitLoop
- Exp ( expression )
- False
- FileChangeDir ( "path" )
- FileClose ( filehandle )
- FileCopy ( "source", "dest" [, flag] )
- FileCreateNTFSLink ( "source", "hardlink" [, flag] )
- FileCreateShortcut ( "file", "lnk" [, "workdir" [, "args" [, "desc" [, "icon" [, "hotkey" [, icon number [, state]]]]]]] )
- FileDelete ( "path" )
- FileExists ( "path" )
- FileFindFirstFile ( "filename" )
- FileFindNextFile ( search )
- FileGetAttrib ( "filename" )
- FileGetLongName ( "file" [, flag] )
- FileGetShortcut ( "lnk" )
- FileGetShortName ( "file" [, flag] )
- FileGetSize ( "filename" )
- FileGetTime ( "filename" [, option [, format]] )
- FileGetVersion ( "filename" )
- FileInstall ( "source", "dest" [, flag] )
- FileMove ( "source", "dest" [, flag] )
- FileOpen ( "filename", mode )
- FileOpenDialog ( "title", "init dir", "filter" [, options [, "default name"]] )
- FileRead ( filehandle or "filename" [, count] )
- FileReadLine ( filehandle or "filename" [, line] )
- FileRecycle ( "source" )
- FileRecycleEmpty ( ["drive"] )
- FileSaveDialog ( "title", "init dir", "filter" [, options [, "default name"]] )
- FileSelectFolder ( "dialog text", "root dir" [, flag [, "initial dir"]] )
- FileSetAttrib ( "file pattern", "+-RASHNOT" [, recurse] )
- FileSetTime ( "file pattern", "time", type [, recurse] )
- FileWrite ( filehandle or "filename", "line" )
- FileWriteLine ( filehandle or "filename", "line" )
- Floor ( expression )
- For
- FtpSetProxy ( mode [, "proxy:port" [, "username", "password"]] )
- Func
- Global
- GUICreate ( "title" [, width [, height [, left [, top [, style [, exStyle [, parent]]]]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateAvi ( filename, subfileid, left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateButton ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateCombo ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateContextMenu ( [controlID] )
- GUICtrlCreateDate ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateDummy ( )
- GUICtrlCreateEdit ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateGraphic ( left, top [, width [, height [, style]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateGroup ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateIcon ( filename, iconID, left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateInput ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateList ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateListView ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ( "text", listviewID )
- GUICtrlCreateMenu ( "submenutext" [, menuID [, menuentry]] )
- GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ( "text", menuID [, menuentry [, menuradioitem]] )
- GUICtrlCreateMonthCal ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateObj ( $ObjectVar, left, top [, width [, height ]] )
- GUICtrlCreatePic ( filename, left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateProgress ( left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateRadio ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateSlider ( left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateTab ( left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateTabItem ( "text" )
- GUICtrlCreateTreeView ( left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )
- GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem ( "text", treeviewID )
- GUICtrlCreateUpdown ( inputcontrolID [,style] )
- GUICtrlDelete ( controlID )
- GUICtrlGetHandle( controlID )
- GUICtrlGetState ( [controlID] )
- GUICtrlRead ( controlID [, advanced] )
- GUICtrlRecvMsg ( controlID , msg [, wParam [, lParamType]] )
- GUICtrlRegisterListViewSort ( controlID, "function" )
- GUICtrlSendMsg ( controlID, msg , wParam, lParam )
- GUICtrlSendToDummy ( controlID [, state] )
- GUICtrlSetBkColor ( controlID, backgroundcolor )
- GUICtrlSetColor ( controlID, textcolor)
- GUICtrlSetCursor ( controlID, cursorID )
- GUICtrlSetData ( controlID, data [, default] )
- GUICtrlSetFont (controlID, size [, weight [, attribute [, fontname]]] )
- GUICtrlSetGraphic ( controlID, type [, par1 [, ... par6]] )
- GUICtrlSetImage ( controlID, filename [, iconID [, icontype]] )
- GUICtrlSetLimit ( controlID, max [, min] )
- GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( controlID, "function" )
- GUICtrlSetPos ( controlID, left, top [, width [, height]] )
- GUICtrlSetResizing ( controlID, resizing )
- GUICtrlSetState ( controlID, state )
- GUICtrlSetStyle ( controlID, style [, exStyle] )
- GUICtrlSetTip ( controlID, tiptext )
- GUIDelete ( [winhandle] )
- GUIGetCursorInfo ( [winhandle] )
- GUIGetMsg ( [advanced] )
- GUIRegisterMsg ( msgID, "function" )
- GUISetBkColor ( background [, winhandle] )
- GUISetCoord ( left, top [, width [, height [, winhandle]]] )
- GUISetCursor ( [cursorID [, override [, winhandle]]] )
- GUISetFont (size [, weight [, attribute [, fontname [, winhandle]]]] )
- GUISetHelp ( helpfile [, winhandle] )
- GUISetIcon ( iconfile [, iconID [, winhandle]] )
- GUISetOnEvent ( specialID, "function" [, winhandle] )
- GUISetState ( [flag [, winhandle]] )
- GUIStartGroup ( [winhandle] )
- GUISwitch ( winhandle [, tabitemID] )
- Hex ( expression [, length] )
- HotKeySet ( "key" [, "function"] )
- HttpSetProxy ( mode [, "proxy:port" [, "username", "password"]] )
- HWnd ( expression )
- If
- In
- InetGet ( "URL" [,"filename" [, reload [, background]]] )
- InetGetSize ( "URL" )
- IniDelete ( "filename", "section" [, "key"] )
- IniRead ( "filename", "section", "key", "default" )
- IniReadSection ( "filename", "section" )
- IniReadSectionNames ( "filename" )
- IniRenameSection ( "filename", "section", "new section" [, flag] )
- IniWrite ( "filename", "section", "key", "value" )
- InputBox ( "title", "Prompt" [, "Default" [, "password char" [, Width, Height [, Left, Top [, TimeOut]]]]] )
- Int ( expression )
- IsAdmin ( )
- IsArray ( variable )
- IsBinaryString ( expression )
- IsBool ( variable )
- IsDeclared ( expression )
- IsFloat ( variable )
- IsHWnd ( variable )
- IsInt ( variable )
- IsKeyword ( variable )
- IsNumber ( variable )
- IsObj ( variable )
- IsString ( variable )
- Local
- Log ( expression )
- MemGetStats ( )
- Mod ( value1, value2 )
- MouseClick ( "button" [, x, y [, clicks [, speed ]]] )
- MouseClickDrag ( "button", x1, y1, x2, y2 [, speed] )
- MouseDown ( "button" )
- MouseGetCursor ( )
- MouseGetPos ( [dimension] )
- MouseMove ( x, y [, speed] )
- MouseUp ( "button" )
- MouseWheel ( "direction" [, clicks] )
- MsgBox ( flag, "title", "text" [, timeout] )
- Next
- Not
- Number ( expression )
- ObjCreate ( "classname" [, "servername" [,"username", ["password"]]] )
- ObjEvent ( $ObjectVar, "functionprefix" [, "interface name"] )
- ObjGet ( "filename" [, "classname"] )
- ObjName ( $Objectvariable [,Flag] )
- Or
- Ping ( address or hostname [, timeout] )
- PixelChecksum ( left, top, right, bottom [, step] )
- PixelGetColor ( x , y )
- PixelSearch ( left, top, right, bottom, color [, shade-variation] [, step]] )
- ProcessClose ( "process" )
- ProcessExists ( "process" )
- ProcessList ( ["name"] )
- ProcessSetPriority ( "process", priority)
- ProcessWait ( "process" [, timeout] )
- ProcessWaitClose ( "process" [, timeout] )
- ProgressOff ( )
- ProgressOn ( "title", "maintext" [, "subtext" [, x pos [, y pos [, opt]]]] )
- ProgressSet ( percent [, "subtext" [, "maintext"]] )
- Random ( [Min [, Max [, Flag]]] )
- ReDim
- RegDelete ( "keyname" [, "valuename"] )
- RegEnumKey ( "keyname", instance )
- RegEnumVal ( "keyname", instance )
- RegRead ( "keyname", "valuename" )
- RegWrite ( "keyname" [,"valuename", "type", value] )
- Return
- Round ( expression [, decimalplaces] )
- Run ( "filename" [, "workingdir" [, flag[, standard_i/o_flag]]] )
- RunAsSet ( ["user", "domain", "password" [, options]] )
- RunWait ( "filename" [, "workingdir" [, flag]] )
- Select
- Send ( "keys" [, flag] )
- SetError ( code [, extended [, return value]] )
- SetExtended ( code [, return value] )
- Shutdown ( code )
- Sin ( expression )
- Sleep ( delay )
- SoundPlay ( "filename" [, wait] )
- SoundSetWaveVolume ( percent )
- SplashImageOn ( "title", "file" [, width [, height [, x pos [, y pos [, opt]]]]] )
- SplashOff ( )
- SplashTextOn ( "title", "text" [, w [, h [, x pos [, y pos [, opt [, "fontname" [, fontsz [, fontwt ]]]]]]]] )
- Sqrt ( expression )
- StatusbarGetText ( "title" [, "text" [, part]] )
- StderrRead ( process_id[, count[, peek = false]] )
- StdinWrite ( process_id[, string] )
- StdoutRead ( process_id[, count[, peek = false]] )
- Step
- String ( expression )
- StringAddCR ( "string" )
- StringFormat ( "format control", var1 [, ... var32] )
- StringInStr ( "string", "substring" [, casesense [, occurrence]] )
- StringIsAlNum ( "string" )
- StringIsAlpha ( "string" )
- StringIsASCII ( "string" )
- StringIsDigit ( "string" )
- StringIsFloat ( "string" )
- StringIsInt ( "string" )
- StringIsLower ( "string" )
- StringIsSpace ( "string" )
- StringIsUpper ( "string" )
- StringIsXDigit ( "string" )
- StringLeft ( "string", count )
- StringLen ( "string" )
- StringLower ( "string" )
- StringMid ( "string", start [, count] )
- StringReplace ( "string", "searchstring" or start, "replacestring" [, count [, casesense]] )
- StringRight ( "string", count )
- StringSplit ( "string", "delimiters" [, flag ] )
- StringStripCR ( "string" )
- StringStripWS ( "string", flag )
- StringTrimLeft ( "string", count )
- StringTrimRight ( "string", count )
- StringUpper ( "string" )
- Switch
- Tan ( expression )
- TCPAccept ( mainsocket )
- TCPCloseSocket ( socket )
- TCPConnect ( IPAddr, port )
- TCPListen ( IPAddr, port [, MaxPendingConnection] )
- TCPNameToIP ( name )
- TCPRecv ( socket, maxlen )
- TCPSend ( socket, data )
- TCPShutdown ( )
- TCPStartup ( )
- Then
- TimerDiff ( timestamp )
- TimerInit ( )
- To
- ToolTip ( "text" [, x [, y [, "title" [, icon [, options]]]]] )
- TrayCreateItem ( text [, menuID [, menuentry [, menuradioitem]]] )
- TrayCreateMenu ( "sub/menutext" [, menuID [, menuentry]] )
- TrayGetMsg()
- TrayItemDelete ( controlID )
- TrayItemGetHandle( controlID )
- TrayItemGetState ( [controlID] )
- TrayItemGetText ( controlID )
- TrayItemSetOnEvent ( itemID, "function" )
- TrayItemSetState ( controlID, state )
- TrayItemSetText ( controlID, text )
- TraySetClick ( flag )
- TraySetIcon ( [iconfile [, iconID] )
- TraySetOnEvent ( specialID, "function" )
- TraySetPauseIcon ( [iconfile [, iconID] )
- TraySetState ( [ flag ] )
- TraySetToolTip ( [text] )
- TrayTip ( "title", "text", timeout [, option] )
- True
- UBound ( Array [, Dimension] )
- UDPBind ( IPAddr, port )
- UDPCloseSocket ( socketarray )
- UDPOpen ( IPAddr, port )
- UDPRecv ( socketarray, maxlen )
- UDPSend ( socketarray, data)
- Until
- WEnd
- While
- WinActivate ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinActive ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinClose ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinExists ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinFlash ( "title" [,"text" [,flashes [,delay ]]])
- WinGetCaretPos ( )
- WinGetClassList ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetClientSize ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetHandle ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetPos ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetProcess ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetState ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetText ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinGetTitle ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinKill ( "title" [, "text"] )
- WinList ( ["title" [, "text"]] )
- WinMenuSelectItem ( "title", "text", "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item"]]]]]] )
- WinMinimizeAll ( )
- WinMinimizeAllUndo ( )
- WinMove ( "title", "text", x, y [, width [, height]] )
- WinSetOnTop ( "title", "text", flag )
- WinSetState ( "title", "text", flag )
- WinSetTitle ( "title", "text", "newtitle" )
- WinSetTrans ( "title", "text", transparency )
- WinWait ( "title" [, "text" [, timeout]] )
- WinWaitActive ( "title" [, "text" [, timeout]] )
- WinWaitClose ( "title" [, "text" [, timeout]] )
- WinWaitNotActive ( "title" [, "text" [, timeout]] )
- With